Social responsibility

Take a mission to build a harmonious society

Keydak, adhering to the innovation and development strategy of "the value embodiment, the future of science and technology", is actively using the leading global energy saving technology, innovative production technology and advanced green environmental protection concept to help China's IT infrastructure energy saving and emission reduction in many fields, and effectively balance social needs and environmental needs, Through the purpose of "green, science and technology, humanity", we will contribute to the creation of a sustainable society.


Leave a good impression  for the green economy

Keydak uses less energy and resources for the market, reduces the possible environmental pollution by technological innovation, and reduces energy and resource consumption in its own operations. By developing energy saving technology, we greatly improve the operating performance & environmental performance of our customers and support the development of green economy.

We use advanced surface treatment technology such as phosphor free organossilane nano thin film and powder spraying, which can improve the ability of salt spray test, improve the corrosion resistance, adhesion, alkali resistance and impact resistance of the paint, reduce energy consumption, reduce water consumption and the discharge of waste water & trash


Make a solid contribution to sustainable development
Keydak will serve to create a green and harmonious future. We will be committed to environmental protection, and take energy conservation and environmental protection as an important part of social responsibility. We actively pursue the concept of environmental protection, continue to pursue the maximization of the utilization of resources, and contribute to the creation of a sustainable development society.

We actively explore and establish a green supervision system for the whole life cycle of products, and implement the concept of energy conservation, emission reduction and environmental protection to all stages of the product life cycle.Efforts will be made to reduce energy consumption/emissions levels in packaging, logistics, recycling, etc., to strengthen energy conservation and emission reduction, and reduce environmental impact.We adhere to the technological innovation plan and strive to continuously improve and improve in product design and production.Try to use environmentally friendly materials that are non-polluting, recyclable, and available, improve product integration, and reduce energy consumption and emissions during manufacturing.Adding a strength to social greening.



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